Home » Deep Smile Lines

Deep Smile Lines

January 17, 2017

Nasolabial folds are the lines from the corner of the nose to the corner of the mouth. There are three ways of managing nasolabial folds, however there vary in price and recovery. Of the most invasive treatment is surgical correction; it is not surprising that this is the most long-lasting and effective treatment of all. Most commonly, nasolabial lines are caused by the sagging of the cheeks due to mid face volume loss.

Wrinkle relaxers work amazingly to stop the muscles from contracting and forming unwanted lines and wrinkles, and quite commonly we tend to want to chase these lines as a means of concealing the underlining problem. Sure, some lines are easily treated with wrinkle relaxers, however some lines are due to volume loss.

As we age we tend to lose volume in our fat pads. On our face, we have many fats pads under our skin, when these diminish we tend to look more tired and worn out. Volume lost in specific areas on our face is one aspect that contributes to facial ageing. By simply filling the fat pads of the mid face with dermal fillers, we can bring back the rejuvenated and refreshed YOU! Dermal fillers restore your youthful appearance by replacing the volume lost with a smooth gel that mimics naturally produced hyaluronic acid in your body; it also assists your skin’s hydration by attracting and holding water, therefore giving you’re the refreshed feeling.

Mid-face volume repair will also help improve other concerns such as; Cheek volume; Tear troughs; Crow’s feet; Nasolabial lines; Jowls; Marionettes; and Accordion lines.gsuite

Book an appointment with our Cosmetic Nurse Specialist on 9370 1997 to discuss how dermal fillers can help you.

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