Home » The best treatment for wrinkles on your face

The best treatment for wrinkles on your face

July 12, 2022

This is a question we get asked incredibly often.

The truth, though, is that it is a tricky question to answer. The answer to this question is as unique as the individual asking it. It depends on where the wrinkle is located, the depth of the wrinkle and if the ‘wrinkle’ is actually a wrinkle or more of an issue with the volume and health of the skin below.

In this article, we’ll look at the top seven areas we get asked about when it comes to wrinkles on your face and what the best treatment is for each area.

The best wrinkle treatment for forehead and frown wrinkles is Botox.

These wrinkles are often caused by repetitive muscle movement, making Botox the perfect forehead wrinkle treatment.

Botox works by relaxing the muscles that are causing the wrinkle, in doing this the wrinkle will gradually fade. This will only work however if the skin has enough flexibility in it for this to happen.

Therefore, this treatment is usually suitable for those under 65, but in some cases, it will work for those older than this, provided the quality of their skin is good.

Botox is a simple procedure that takes five minutes and on average lasts for three months. However, it is important that you repeat treatment every three months, or when the treatment starts to wear off. If you leave it too long between treatments, the lines will reappear, and you will start from square one again. Depending on the depth of the wrinkle and the skin quality, it may take more than one treatment to achieve the desired result.

Crows Feet and wrinkles that appear around the side of the eyes are usually best treated by a course of Botox.

This area can be hard to treat and sometimes people can be unhappy with the results achieved, however, it’s important to understand the underlying causes of wrinkles in these areas.

When we smile there are two areas that move. The first is the circular muscle around the eye which we can treat with Botox. The second part is that when we smile, the cheek bulges and pushes up, lifting the corner of the mouth.

This cheek muscle can’t be treated with Botox or we would be unable to smile and the corner of the mouth would drop. If there is a lack of volume in the outer cheek or skin is lacking in this area then Botox around the circular muscle of the eye can only do so much and you may still notice wrinkles (although not as bad) in the lower part of the eye area

Sometimes dermal fillers in the outer cheek can help in this area. Alternatively using treatments such as skin needling to strengthen the skin can be great.

The small wrinkles under the eyes, unfortunately, can’t be treated with Botox or filler but good eye cream is also beneficial. Recently, we have been getting great results with PDO threads.

Hollowness under the eyes can make you look tired and this is often caused by a lack of volume in the lower part of the eye socket.

This can simply be a result of your genetics or it can happen due to ageing and can appear in two ways.

The area may appear hollow this can be successfully treated easily with dermal fillers.

The second way is that it looks like bags under the eye. When this happens, it means that the ligaments have loosened. The best treatment for this is surgery with a lower eyelid lift.

If you don’t want to go down that path, then we can also use fillers in this area.

This treatment does have some side effects such as bruising and swelling, so it’s important that if this path you want to take, then you need to plan for it and ensure you do it at a time that won’t interfere with your busy social calendar!

The positive is that despite these side effects, you only have to do it once every couple of years.

Lip fillers are a great treatment for ‘smokers lines’ or what I now call ‘water bottle lines’. These are the wrinkles that appear around your lips. I call them water bottle lines because of the everyday use of pop-up water bottles these days which use your mouth in the same action as smoking a cigarette

The most effective treatment for these lines is dermal fillers, without a doubt.

Lip fillers don’t mean you have to commit to looking like a Kardashian, but we will give the lips back the support they need to stop these lines from continuing

The first step for this treatment is to support the lip border. We support the upper part of the tissue and then fill the individual lines to smooth out the area.

This is a very sensitive area of your face so once again this is a treatment that can cause swelling and bruising, so you need to plan for this. Luckily, in this COVID19 world we live in, masks can help cover this up while you recover!

Hollowing of the temples is not something most people will notice until it’s pointed out to them, but it is a giveaway sign of ageing.

The best way to treat this area is with dermal fillers and fill up the hollowness. It is a simple procedure, but it does have some risks, so it is important that you get this done by an experienced practitioner.

When done well, this is a procedure that doesn’t require any downtime and has great longevity.

As a bonus it often results in a lifting of the outer eyebrow, opening up the eye area.

Nasolabial folds are the lines that run from your nose to the corner of your mouth. These can be a complicated area to treat and can depend on a wide range of factors.

You might think that filling in the indent would be enough, but often these lines are caused by more things going on, such as a lack of volume in the midface and cheek area causing the tissue to collapse and form the fold. Because of this, it’s usually important to address the cheeks first before trying to focus on the nasolabial folds themselves.

We now have some amazing dermal fillers that integrate and move with the tissue, so filling the cheeks does not mean you have to look like a chipmunk or have a strange smile.

Choosing the correct product, correct placement and only filling what you have lost, not adding something you didn’t have in the first place, will ensure a natural-looking result. So, it is important to choose an experienced practitioner for this procedure.

Marionette lines run from the corner of our mouth down to the jawline and can often be difficult to treat. Again, there are many things happening on the face to cause them. As we get older, the tissue and bone around the mouth lessens, meaning there is less support for the corners of the mouth and the chin.

This leads to the corners of the mouth going down and the chin going up squaring off the face. The skin thins and loses some elasticity, making it hang. This coupled with a loss of volume in the mid-face and our jawline becoming less defined means the tissues fall forward and down causing jowls and marionettes.

Depending on the severity, sometimes Botox can be used in some areas in the lower face to turn the corners of the mouth up and drop the chin down making the appearance of small lines improve. In cases where these lines are deeper, we can use dermal filler to hide the shadowing and the look can be improved.

However, to treat them properly we really need to address all the factors that are contributing to them.

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