Deep Smile Lines

Nasolabial folds are the lines from the corner of the nose to the corner of the mouth. There are three ways of managing nasolabial folds, however there vary in price and recovery. Of the most invasive treatment is surgical correction; it is not surprising that this is the most long-lasting and effective treatment of all….

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What does the colour under your eyes mean

What Does The Colour Under Your Eyes Mean?

Dark circles are a common beauty problem, but not all under-eye circles are created equal. The color of your dark circles can help you decide what kind of treatment is most effective for your condition. Book an appointment with our Cosmetic Nurse Specialist on 9370 1997 to discuss how we can treat your under eyes.

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The Importance Of Water Intake

We all know the rules for beautiful, clear skin: apply plenty of sunblock; cleanse well; get plenty of sleep; and drink your 8 glasses of water per day. But how essential is drinking plenty of water for beautiful skin? Water’s importance in maintaining proper health is indisputable; 70% of the body is made up of…

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Hands That Hide Your Age

We can easily protect the skin on our face and head with sunscreen, hats, wide sunglasses and avoiding other environmental factors which affect the skin’s appearance. But it is hard to be a diligent with the skin on our hands. Our hands are constantly ‘working’ with general everyday life and chores, and are often exposed…

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