The Ultimate Guide to Double Chin Treatment

Today I’d like to talk about treatments for double chins. Double chins can be caused simply by genetics but can also be caused by some medications, some medical conditions or just from being overweight. Luckily, we have many different treatments now that can help improve or even remove that double chin. Double Chin Treatment, What…

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What Causes Cellulite and How Do You Treat It?

Causes and treatment of cellulite on different body parts Cellulite is the bane of most women’s lives. Although cellulite is a common and harmless skin condition, most women would prefer it was not there. It commonly appears on the thighs, hips, buttocks and abdomen as lumpy dimples in the flesh. We cannot remove it completely,…

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How to tighten skin and get rid of jowls without surgery using radiofrequency treatment

(Video) How to tighten skin with RF skin tightening

Knowing how to tighten skin can take years off your face. The loss of volume and sagging, caused by collagen loss, is partly what makes our skin look older. Thankfully, drastic measures are no longer required to achieve a more youthful appearance (bye, bye surgery)! Find out how to tighten skin in this video. Here,…

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beauty treatments by star sign

Beauty Procedures by the Stars

Ever wondered what cosmetic medicine treatment would best suit your star sign? We have consulted the cosmos here at U Skin Clinics and have matched the star signs with the treatments to best suit your temperament and make you sparkle. CAPRICORN – EARTH Practical, reliable, sensible, disciplined, patient – Capricorns are the most grounded sign…

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botox to treat hyperhidrosis excess sweating

(Video) Hyperhidrosis Treatment

How anti-wrinkle injections can help hyperhidrosis So we all experience some sweating under our arms and a bit of antiperspirant deodorant may be all that is needed. But some can experience excess sweating also known as hyperhidrosis. You may be quite embarrassed about the condition and not being able to wear light-coloured tops or certain…

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(Video) Lymphatic Massage with Doctor Wraps

Lymphatic Massage Achieved with Doctor Wraps Doctor Wraps lymphatic massage drainage system helps you recover from body imperfections you may be concerned about. This body shape bandage therapy is ideal as your anti-cellulite treatment and can also assist you in slimming, toning, drainage and hydration. How? By promoting blood and lymph circulation and metabolism. Lymph…

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The Ultimate Cheat’s Guide to a Bikini Body This Summer

Five Ways to Get Your Body Looking Great! It’s November already and Spring has definitely sprung! With only weeks till Christmas it’s time to get your bodies bikini ready. An almost impossible task as the spring social season has begun but there are ways you can cheat the system.  1. Dr Wraps Weight Loss and…

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