Home » Hands That Hide Your Age

Hands That Hide Your Age

November 15, 2016

We can easily protect the skin on our face and head with sunscreen, hats, wide sunglasses and avoiding other environmental factors which affect the skin’s appearance. But it is hard to be a diligent with the skin on our hands. Our hands are constantly ‘working’ with general everyday life and chores, and are often exposed to the sun and other effective elements. These effects are additive to the natural ageing process where changes to skin texture, pigmentation and volume have an impact on the appearance of our hands.

You may be looking fresh faced, but as the elements take their toll and the levels of substances like naturally occurring sugars and elastin deplete, your hands may be a tell-tale sign of your age.

Some quick tips on good hand health;

We also have cosmetic medicine injectable treatments which are perfect for rejuvenating mature and photo damaged skin, designed to deliver deep skin hydration and lasting improvements. Leaving your hands with a healthy glow, and visibly improved smooth skin from within.

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