Home » Redness On Face – Causes & Treatments

Redness On Face – Causes & Treatments

December 7, 2022

There are many reasons for redness on the face, from a naturally red complexion to rosacea, sunburn, or allergies. Sometimes this can be a reason for concern but other times it can just be annoying. Finding out the underlying causes for redness can sometimes be easy but at other times can be difficult and requires the process of elimination. Below we will go through some of the more common causes of redness on the face and the different facial treatments available to treat them.

Below are some of the most common causes of facial redness:

Rosacea is a very common condition in Caucasian women over 35 in fact 10% of women in this age group will have rosacea. Rosacea appears as redness that becomes angry and can be triggered by things such as extremes of hot and cold, spicy foods, makeup, and some skincare. It is a condition that cannot be cured but can be controlled. Sometimes pimple-like bumps can form on the skin and people can confuse it for acne, however, using acne treatments on rosacea will make it worse. It is more common on the nose and cheeks and chin than all other areas of the face. Rosacea can cause broken capillaries which will remain permanent unless treated whereas rosacea may come and go. IPL in combination with skincare is a great treatment for rosacea.

Dermatitis is a different condition from rosacea but is still often triggered by a stimulus. It might be something in the environment, it may be skincare, or it may be something as simple as the washing powder you use to wash your towel in. Dermatitis can be difficult to treat as it is sometimes harder to be able to identify what’s causing it. Often cortisone creams in combination with LED Therapy are good for this condition. Basic skincare is also needed when it is active.

Eczema, unlike dermatitis, tends to be something that comes from the inside out but again, like all of the above conditions, it can be triggered by different stimuli. Often people with eczema find foods will trigger them such as citrus or milk but sometimes it is unknown. Again LED Therapy, simple skincare, and cortisone is needed.

Sometimes when the skin dries out, we damage the skin barrier and this can cause the skin to become red and angry. Ensuring the skin is well hydrated by using hydration serums, soothing balms and oils can assist with this. Sometimes the cause of this may be due to too much sun or wind, genetics, medications, or the wrong skincare for your skin. Extra hydration and the correct skincare can help restore the skins barrier.

Some people naturally have skin that’s more inflamed, especially when they have acne, rosacea, eczema, dermatitis, etc. Diet can help with this as well as anti-inflammatory foods and skincare. Some people have autoimmune conditions which can cause inflammatory skin as well. This is more difficult to treat.

There are many ingredients in cosmetics that we can be allergic to. If you notice your skin becoming inflamed using a particular cosmetic, even if it has been recommended to you it is best to stop. Usually, when you stop using the product the skin will return to its normal state. Interestingly enough often people want natural skincare as they feel they won’t react to it, yet more people react to essential oils which are in natural skincare, than any other ingredients. Some skincare ingredients such as vitamin A are designed to exfoliate and will cause some inflammation to the skin when you first start using them,  it then becomes a balance of using enough to get a result without causing the reaction. This sometimes means having to start actives such as Vitamin A and C every third night and slowly build it up to every night as your skin gets used to tolerating the product. Some people may be able to use a very strong retinal, whereas with other people they may have to stay on a very weak line forever as the skin is too reactive. At U Skin Clinics Ascot Vale, we can offer a skincare prescription to suit your individual skin needs.

Even though gentle exfoliation of the skin is good to keep it looking bright and fresh and taking off the dead skin to allow skincare products to penetrate deeper, over-exfoliation can make the skin angry and inflamed and do more harm than good.  Some skincare products such as vitamin A naturally exfoliate the skin and using a manual exfoliation on top of this can actually damage the skin, so always check with your skincare professional on the instructions of what you should be doing. As it is vital to the function of our skin that we do not damage our skin’s barrier.

There are some great ingredients we can put in skincare to reduce facial redness.

  • Antioxidants
  • Green Tea
  • Cytokinins
  • Vitamin C
  • Aloe Vera
  • Azelaic Acid

Zinc-based sunscreens are better than chemical based and mineral makeups are also beneficial as the minerals have an anti-inflammatory response.

LED light therapy works by stimulating the mitochondria in the cells causing a healing response. The red light will help reduce inflammation and help to heal whereas the blue light will help treat bacteria which will help with acne-prone skin. Rosacea on the face tends to carry a high level of bacteria so red and blue combined are good for this condition. Weekly treatments are important and this can also be combined with many of our other treatments for maximum results.

Micro needling stimulates collagen and elastin in the skin, especially when combined with PRP, and can assist in strengthening the skin and strengthening the vessels, restoring skin health. Healthy skin is much less likely to be red and irritable. Another added bonus is that micro-needling and PRP can help reduce acne scarring and pigmentation.

This treatment uses light therapy to help reduce inflammation, remove broken capillaries and treat the generalised redness of the tissue. Different wavelengths of light can be used to treat different conditions. This treatment isn’t suitable for dermatitis or eczema but is amazing for rosacea, acne, broken capillaries, and generalised redness.

Skin boosters work a little bit like micro-needling in that we inject small amounts of hyaluronic acid, which is an amazing way to hydrate underneath the skin. It is a bit like putting your moisturiser under your skin.  This helps strengthen the tissue and keeps the skin hydrated, which helps with inflammation and restoring the skin barrier and in turn, redness.

Laser rejuvenation uses light therapy to assist with healing and strengthening the tissue along with reducing inflammation and treating broken capillaries. Different lasers using different wavelengths of light will be suitable for different conditions. Again, laser isn’t great for dermatitis and eczema but is amazing for all the other conditions.

The simple answer to this is: if it bothers you. Most redness on the face isn’t dangerous and but it can be annoying and irritating. If the redness bothers, you then it’s best to seek treatment. If you feel it is eczema or dermatitis or psoriasis, then an appointment with the dermatologist is usually your best option. However, if it is rosacea, generalised redness or broken capillaries visit to your local cosmetic medicine clinic can be beneficial.

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