Home » Let’s Discuss Crow’s Feet

Let’s Discuss Crow’s Feet

December 7, 2016

crows feet

Lines and wrinkles say a lot about a person, they can show someone who has struggled, been worried, or stressed. However not all lines are bad, we can also get “happy lines” around the eyes from laughing and smiling so much. Crow’s Feet occur due to different muscles that contract and relax during facial expressions. We can smoothen out these lines and wrinkles with the simple use of muscle relaxers to the muscle that contracts around the eyes. It is quick and effective.

To avoid the severity of Crows Feet, or to delay the onset, there are a few things you can do:

  • Avoid excessive sun exposure – Ultraviolet light damages your skin’s natural collagen making the skin more delicate. Use sunscreen every daily – this not only helps with crow’s feet, but it delays the ageing process all together.
  • Avoid squinting – contracting the muscle that encircles your eye is a significant cause of crow’s feet. The more you contract over time, the deeper they will appear.
  • Wear UV Protection Sunglasses – When in doubt, double your protection. It’s generally a good rule of thumb, and especially so when it comes to preventing wrinkles around the eyes.
  • Don’t smoke – smoking not only damages collagen, but also causes you to squint to keep irritating smoke out of your eyes.
  • Eye creams will not treat wrinkles however can help reduce their formation. We recommend CosMedix Eye Genius or CosMedix Opti Crystal.
  • Make sure your skin is well hydrated – both from the inside as well as out. Find a moisturiser that is suitable for your skin type and drink plenty of water to hydrate skin cells.
  • Anti-wrinkle injections are the most effective way to treat crow’s feet by relaxing the muscle that causes the lines. This both minimises those lines you already have as well as not allowing new lines to form.
  • Dermal fillers can be used to plump fine lines therefore helping to smooth them out. This is particularly good for those lines we can see when your face is relaxed and works best in conjunction with anti-wrinkle injections.
  • Chemical peels and lasers can improve crow’s feel by inducing collagen growth. There are many different levels of peels and lasers, the deeper the treatment, the more dramatic the results but also have a higher risk of side effects and may require some time off work.

Book an appointment with our Cosmetic Nurse Specialist on 9370 1997 to discuss how we can help minimise your crow’s feet.

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